
January 24, 2010

Many of you know that my father has recently had a major stroke. It’s been a month now since it’s all happened and we’ve been on both ends of the spectrum in terms of what to expect. We were funeral planning 3 weeks ago and now we are hopeful for his future here on earth. Join us in praying for his full recovery, please.

But what I want to talk about right now is investments. Yeah, I know, that’s strange. 401ks at a time like this? Not exactly. My dad has left my mom in a good financial situation, which is exactly what I’d expect from him. But here’s what’s really impacted me lately. My dad has invested in much more than just finances. He’s invested his life in God, his wife, his children and his church. And now’s the payoff. We save money our whole lives waiting for the payoff. My dad invested in so many things that last far beyond what money does and I see it more clearly now than ever. I can’t even begin to write down all the lifelong friends that have visited, taken my mom to dinner, helped in different ways, stayed over night at the hospital with us, prayed and just been there. And I’m talking a TON of people. And not just people showing up to be respectful, but people that have story after story of how my father has impacted their life in one way or another and they tell those stories in tears more times than not. My dad’s not a preacher, he’s not an extreme extrovert but he’s lived a life of faithfulness and poured into the lives of others in a quiet, godly way. I’m seeing very clearly what a life of faithfulness can pay off even this side of eternity, who knows what it will look like on the other side.

Dad, thanks for showing me how to invest and be smart financially, but thanks even more for showing me how to invest in the Kingdom, family, and friends. And this investment is tax free on both sides 🙂

6 Responses to “investments”

  1. Janna said

    WOW! Brian, thanks for the post! I left 5p experience last night so blessed and anxiously tweeking our budget and life in my head to give margin. What a great reminder tying in that gift that we can pass on to our children from what we learn. I was taught that like you were, but my husband wasn’t. Thanks for sharing–I was blessed!

  2. Nancy said

    What a wonderful post. Thanks so much for sharing.

  3. That is an awsome to have a father like that. I am sure you will be a good father just like him. I am sure he is also very proud of you

    I raeally like your devotionals bewtween songs.


  4. shanna said

    Brian, I am so proud of your dad’s life. I am also proud of the honor Ann, Angi and you bring to him! We love your family deeply! and….by the way, I had no idea you had a blog. I have added it to my goole reader 😉

  5. David Gilbert said


  6. Stephanie Dulin said

    Love the entry Bruss. Thank you so much for sharing this and for encouraging all of us to think of the bigger picture. Much love and prayers to you and your family my friend!

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